28 Days of Music ActivitiesMinor To MajorJan 22, 2021We've created 28 days of music activities to stretch your musical and creative skills. You could do one every day, or pick and choose the ones you like doing more, we don't mind!Download a PDF version to print at home:28 Days of Music Activities Colour.pdfDownload PDF • 484KB28 Days of Music Activities B&W.pdfDownload PDF • 374KB Enjoyed this activity?Click here to see how you can support us!Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram
We've created 28 days of music activities to stretch your musical and creative skills. You could do one every day, or pick and choose the ones you like doing more, we don't mind!Download a PDF version to print at home:28 Days of Music Activities Colour.pdfDownload PDF • 484KB28 Days of Music Activities B&W.pdfDownload PDF • 374KB Enjoyed this activity?Click here to see how you can support us!Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram